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KWG's Summer Interns

The warmest of welcomes to our fabulous summer interns Jordan Lis, Katie Ialeggio and Greer Goergen, who prove to us every day that the future of advertising is bright!


Jordan is a rising junior at Boston University pursuing a dual degree in advertising and art, with a minor in art history. Through her coursework, she’s building a strong foundation in art, communications, design, and writing.

Outside of classes, Jordan is an art director for BU’s AdClub, as well as the Parents and Alumni Chair for Alpha Epsilon Phi sorority.

In her free time, Jordan loves long distance running and spending too much money on iced vanilla lattes (with oat milk of course)!


Katie is a rising junior at Clemson University in South Carolina pursuing a business degree in Economics and minoring in communications. Katie intends to use the skills she learns through her coursework to hopefully pursue a career in marketing and advertising.

Outside of school, Katie participates in the National Charity League and is on the events committee for her sorority Kappa Kappa Gamma.

Born and Raised in Westport, CT, she also enjoys doing spin classes at Soul Cycle and taking her French bulldog Stella to the beach!


Going into her sophomore year at the University of Pennsylvania, Greer is planning to study Politics, Philosophy, and Economics (PPE) and Art History. She enjoys problem solving and learning new things.

Born and raised in NYC, Greer loves playing soccer, watching funny movies, and listening to music.


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